Accessorize your smartphone! [TECH TALK]

Tech TalkLooking for that perfect last-minute gift for someone who already owns a smartphone? Listen as Mr. Noobie®, owner of, and David Viggiano, Media Consultant for Alpaytac, review a wide selection of smartphone accessories, all designed to make someone’s smartphone experience even better.

Be sure not to miss our weekly roundup of the latest technology news as well as Mr. Noobie’s® question and answer session. This week Mr. Noobie reveals his top 3 smartphone recommendations.

In our featured product segment, Mr. Noobie® reviews a nifty device that ensures your smartphone, tablet or e-reader never falls out of your hand.

If you can not see the embedded audio above please use the following link: Accessorize your smartphone!

Links mentioned in this week’s show