Alternatives Browsers for Your PC, Tablet and Smartphone [Tech Talk]

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Most people are content to stick with the browser pre-installed on their computer, tablet, or smartphone. But they don’t know what they’re missing! Listen as Mr. Noobie®, owner of, and Jeff Weisbein, Founder & CEO of BestTechie, run through a list of alternative browsers and discuss the best features of each one.

Be sure not to miss the weekly roundup of interesting and fun technology news as well as Mr. Noobie’s® app of the week. This week, Mr. Noobie® tells you how you can keep with the latest news for your favorite sports teams.

In our featured product/service segment, Mr. Noobie® talks about a high-tech way to watch and communicate with your pet when you’re not home.

SEE ALSO: Meet the Most-used Software Program on Your Computer

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