Can I play your iPhone?

If someone was to ask you what an iPhone is, how would you answer? A mobile phone? An iPod? A portable computer? Well, it might all depend on your perspective. To me, an iPhone is all of the above and more.

But if you ask my kids, they will probably tell you that an iPhone is a really cool gaming device. I say this because they often ask me, “Can I play your iPhone?”

What is an iPhone? A child’s point of view

For fun, I decided to film each of my kids answering the question, “What is an iPhone?” While both of them did mention the games (either directly or indirectly by talking about the iPhone apps), I was surprised at how much of the other stuff (calls, weather and music) they included.

I’ve included the videos below for my your enjoyment.

If you can not see the embedded video above, click the following link to watch the video on YouTube. What is an iPhone? (Part 1)

If you can not see the embedded video above, click the following link to watch the video on YouTube. What is an iPhone? (Part 2)