Capital One Thinks I Am an Exceptional Tipper!

It’s not uncommon for one of my credit card companies to reject a big purchase of mine in the name of fraud protection. Especially, if I am purchasing something out of state or out of the country. But I’m not sure I’ve ever seen fraud protection like this before:

Capital One Second Look alert

This email was sent as part of the Second Look program by Capital One.

Now, before you get all excited that I’m a near 40% tipper, I’m not. I am a good tipper, just not that good.

Here’s what really happened. My wife and I went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory so we could use a $25 gift card my wife had. Our meal was more than $25 so we paid for the balance, $26.46, on our personal credit card.

To be fair to the server (it shocks me that some people don’t do this), we tipped on the full price of the meal, not the balance charged to our credit card. Hence, the $10.00 tip on a meal that looks to Capital One like it cost $26.46.

Personally, I’m a big fan of Capital One looking out for me in this situation. They didn’t reject the charge. They didn’t cause me any hassle. They simply sent an email notifying me of what could potentially be a fraudulent situation and let me either ignore it or deal with it on my own. Notice at the end of the email, they also gave me a one-click way to let them know if the alert was helpful to me.

How about you? Have you ever received any unusual notification like this from your credit card company? Tell me your story in the comments below.