Don’t let split tests give you a splitting headache [SMALL BIZ NOOBIES]

Any successful Internet marketer knows you need to split test your marketing campaigns to maximize your chances for profit. For those of you unfamiliar with the term split test, in its simplest form, it means you split your target audience in half and try one thing with the first half and another thing with the second half.

It might be something as simple as an email headline. Send one headline to 50% of your list and another headline to the other 50%. Then you monitor which headline produced the higher open rate.

Or it might be the color of your buy now button on your sales page. Create one version with a blue button. Another with a green button. Then compare which one produces higher sales.

If you think you’re smart enough to already know what works best, think again. You’re wrong. And if you don’t believe me, head on over to Anne Holland’s Which Test Won? site and see how many times you guess correctly.

So why am I talking to you today about split tests? Two reasons. First, because I know that a majority of people reading this will realize they should be doing split testing and then never do it. And second, because Internet marketer Ryan Deiss just released 43 Split Tests 2.0.

43 Split Tests 2.0

43 Split Tests 2.0 is a collection of 43 (duh) split test results that Ryan Deiss has tweaked over the past few years. In a nutshell, it saves you from having to do all the work involved with split testing.

Want to know what font size or color to use in a headline? Or whether a solid line box or dashed line box works better? 43 Split Tests 2.0 has the answers. And with the actual conversion result numbers to back it up.

For the record, I own the 1.0 version of 43 Split Tests and have used the information to build successful landing pages like the one I built for my Facebook for Noobies eBook. Even if you don’t want the eBook take a look at the sales page. It is carefully crafted using 15 of the 43 Split Tests results.

Ryan Deiss is notorious for releasing products Disney style meaning they are only available for a limited time. Unlike Disney though, Ryan usually only offers his products for a couple of days before he puts them back in the vault.

So do yourself a favor, click the link below, watch the video and decide for yourself if 43 Split Tests 2.0 is right for you.

Show me the 43 Split Tests 2.0 video

P.S. For a limited time, Ryan is also offering his “Wholesale Traffice System” a $997 value absolutely FREE! with the purchase of 43 Split Tests 2.0.

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