Don’t skip creating your recovery discs or you will regret it later

A few weeks ago I explained here on my blog how I recovered 100% of my data after my hard drive crashed. Part of that process involved replacing the dead hard drive with a brand new hard drive.

Some of you might not know this but you can’t just put a brand new hard drive into a computer and expect it to boot up just like it did with the old hard drive. There is special software on the computer, referred to as the operating system, that must exist for the computer to boot properly.

Furthermore, there are all kinds of special programs called drivers that help your computer communicate properly with all of its components.

Why am I telling you this? Because in order to get the operating system and drivers back on your hard drive after a crash, you will need the system recovery discs.

In days of old, these came with your computer. But most computer manufacturers have ditched including system recovery discs in favor of installing a program on your computer that allows you to make them yourself.

HP Recovery Disc Creation

Well, guess what? Most people never actually create the recovery discs.

So I’m here to tell you that this is an important step to setting up your new computer that should not be overlooked or skipped. It’s important to do and if you don’t, you’ll regret it later.

Yes, it’s going to cost you the price of a couple blank CDs and a few minutes of your time but trust me, it’s worth it. If your computer ever crashes, you, or your computer repair expert, is going to want the recovery CDs.

Some of you may be wondering so I’ll just come out and answer the question in your mind. Yes, if you don’t have the recovery CDs you can still obtain them. But usually this involves calling customer service, explaining your situation to a representative and then shelling out $30 bucks for physical delivery of the discs.

Oh, and they might take a couple days to arrive. How long can you go without your computer?