Foxconn Working With Apple & Amazon To Win Toshiba’s Memory Chip Unit

Foxconn Working With Apple & Amazon To Win Toshiba’s Memory Chip Unit | foxconn and apple partnershipIt looks like Foxconn and Apple, as well as Amazon, are working together to get a hold of Toshiba Corp’s memory chip unit. The Taiwanese company already partnered with Japanese group Sharp Corp to secure the bid for the semiconductor business. Get more details from Reuters below.

foxconn and apple | foxconn and apple partnership

Foxconn and Apple, Amazon Wants Toshiba’s Memory Chip

Apple Inc and Inc will join Foxconn’s bid for Toshiba Corp’s semiconductor business, the Nikkei business daily quoted Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou as saying on Monday.

The two U.S. technology giants plan to “chip in funds”, Gou said in an interview, according to the newspaper. It was not immediately clear if this would take the form of a direct investment in the semiconductor unit or would be financing for the deal.

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Foxconn’s Chairman Terry Gou reportedly told Nikkei that the American giants are putting money on the table together. However, he declined to disclose the full amount of each company’s funds. Another Reuters report quoted Gou assuring Apple’s participation in the bidding. Tim Cook and the rest of Apple’s board of directors are reported “in for sure” with the Foxconn’s bid.

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Taking iPhone to the Next Level?

It’s worth noting that Foxconn and Apple are already working together to create the iPhones. Half of Foxconn Technology’s revenue comes from supplying parts as well as assembling the famed cell phones for Apple.

Should Apple and Amazon push through with the partnership, Foxconn will be able to acquire Toshiba’s NAND flash memory chip which is important for the storage aspects of cellphones and other electronic devices.

Will Foxconn Win the Bid for Toshiba’s Memory Chip Unit?

Based on Chairman Gou’s reported statements, Foxconn is really determined to win the bid for the memory chip. But will they be able to acquire it? With the combined funds from Apple and Amazon, as well as Sharp Corp, the Taiwanese company will be able to provide its partners with better technological parts.

Which companies are eyeing Toshiba’s memory chip aside from Foxconn, Apple, and Amazon? Find out more about South Korean SK Hynix’ interest in the bid below.

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