Free “Black Friday Book Camp” this weekend [SMALL BIZ NOOBIES]

How to write & launch your Kindle book over Black Friday weekendDoes anyone know how many millions in e-book sales there were in 2011? Go ahead and guess, I’ll bet you’re not even close.

$989,832,832 worth. And the estimate is that sales will triple in 2012. That’s $3 BILLION!

The problem is most small business owners see writing their own e-book as an insurmountable task. That’s why I’m writing this blog post—to share with you a free workbook that teaches you how you can write your first Kindle book (the “new” e-book medium) by the end of this weekend. Seriously.

All of the information including the free workbook is here.

The workbook also contains 3 videos to keep you on task. Kind of like having a personal trainer over the long weekend. With this information and just a few hours you could be a published author.

Just make sure you sign up before Black Friday (11/23/2012) or you’ll miss the special “Black Friday Book Camp”.