Key Factors to Consider When Hiring a Security Guard

Hiring a security guard

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You can find security guard candidates at local job fairs and through online recruiting agencies. Recruiters at criminal justice schools can also be a great source of talent since students may not be able to become police officers.

Use skills assessments to measure the ability of your candidates. This includes tests that test the ability to notice small details and recognize patterns.


As a hiring manager in the security industry, you’re looking for people with the right experience. This might seem obvious, but it’s essential to consider that a security guard’s job is to prevent crime, so you must ensure your candidates have the skills required.

The best way to check for this is to ensure your candidates have the minimum requirements for your company. This includes having a high school diploma or GED, passing background checks, and undergoing drug screenings.

Other experience can also help you identify the most qualified candidate for a position, such as working in retail or volunteering at a food bank. While these experiences may not appear relevant to a security guard position, they can strengthen customer service, communication, and observation skills – all skills that security companies value.

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Background Checks

When people’s lives and properties are at risk, a company must hire only honest and qualified employees. Security guards are often responsible for ensuring that valuable property is secure, and they can face multimillion-dollar lawsuits if they are negligent in their duties.

Because of this, most reputable security companies, such as Security Now USA, perform background checks on all their employees. These checks double-check the information on a potential employee’s resume and application and search for issues that may not appear on a standard state-level criminal bill.

Many security services also conduct pre-employment drug tests on all of their applicants. This helps deter the use of illegal drugs and ensures that a company hires only honest employees. This is especially important for armed security guards.


When hiring a security guard, make sure they are well trained. They should know how to use the equipment and technology that will be on-site, like a two-way radio or access control systems. They should also be proficient in verbal communication to respond to emergencies and write reports after shifts.

You want to seek a security agency offering ongoing employee training opportunities and certifications. This can be a great way to keep your security team sharp and improve employee morale.

It’s also important to consider whether your business will pay for the security guard’s uniforms, liability insurance, and other add-ons. If they require you to provide these items, that may indicate how well the company will treat you. Aside from training, it is also essential to look for reviews, such as CAE Marketing & Consulting, which provides you with the best company online. 

Communication Skills

A security guard needs to communicate clearly with the people they interact with. This includes verbal and written communication. They will use their communication skills when working with visitors and customers and writing reports at the end of their shifts.

In addition to this, security guards must be able to take initiative and think critically. This is because they often deal with situations out of their control. This is why leadership and team player skills are essential for them too.

Your security guards are a representation of your company. They are the first people visitors and customers see when entering your premises. You want them to uphold your company’s image in their conduct and dress.

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The personality traits that make a good security guard include integrity, reliability, and clear communication. They also have to be able to reason in stressful situations.

Security guards are often the first to greet visitors and are responsible for creating a positive and professional impression. They must be in a healthy weight range and portray a clean, professional image.

Because they often work long shifts, security guards must have strategies for staying awake and alert. This is because a tired and distracted security guard is less likely to be able to perform their duties effectively. This includes the ability to use a variety of tactics to keep themselves awake during late shifts, such as exercise, caffeine, and avoiding distractions.