How do I rip my DVDs to my iPad [ASK MR NOOBIE]

QUESTION: I know how to use iTunes to rip my CDs but how can I rip my DVDs so I can watch the movies I own on my iPad? – J.C., Lafayette, Indiana

Five Best DVD Ripping ToolsANSWER: You would think the answer to this would be really simple. Just put the DVD in the DVD drive on your computer and let iTunes rip it just like a CD. Except instead of a bunch of resulting music files in your iTunes library, you get a movie instead.

Unfortunately, this won’t work.

Why? Because somewhere down the line of command from Apple to the movie studios, someone decided you shouldn’t be allowed to do it.

So what are your choices? Well, short of re-purchasing all of your movies directly in iTunes, you’ll have to rip the DVD yourself, outside of iTunes. And this is no easy task either, again mainly because you are not supposed to be able to do it.

But if you have some time on your hands and a little bit of patience, you can pull it off. I recommend starting with this article from Lifehacker: Five Best DVD Ripping Tools

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