I can feel it coming in the air tonight

If I had a bottle of champagne last night I would have popped the cork to celebrate. Why? Because I received a notification on my iPad letting me know a new iOS 5.0.1 software update was available.

No, I wasn’t celebrating the software update. I was celebrating the fact that I could install the update without having to connect my iPad to my computer!

iOS 5.0.1 Software Update

This may not seem like a big deal to some of you but it was a huge deal to me. I can’t tell you the number of times things have gone south for me when connecting my iPad (or my previously owned iPhone or my son’s iPod Touch) to my computer. Backups fail. Synchronizations lock up. Devices reset and re-run initial setup. I could go on.

But this time, I sat on my couch and watched the entire update take place over the air. And three and a half minutes later, it was done.

Excuse me while I run to the store for a bottle of champagne.