Is Telikin the best computer for seniors? [ASK MR. NOOBIE]

Telikin TouchQUESTION: My mom currently has MSN TV/Web TV but she is wondering if there is an updated version or the like. I see on your site that you have not been able to locate anything. I typed in Web TV and got a site suggesting Telikin—a simple unit for seniors and kids. Would you be able to check this out and see if it would work in place of the Web TV unit? Thanks. – Jeannie from Loveland, Colorado

ANSWER: I have to admit, Jeannie, that until your mention of Telikin, I had never heard of the product. But after doing some research on it, I am really impressed with it.

The Telikin kind of reminds me of the Jitterbug phone, a mobile phone designed specifically for seniors with no bells and whistles, just simple calling features and a low-cost plan to go along with it.

Just the basics

The Telikin boils down a computer to just the main 4 or 5 things people (seniors) want to do on a computer. Check email, surf the web, read the weather/news, keep a calendar and maybe play a few games. In this respect I think the Telikin is perfect.

If you can not see the embedded video above please use the following link: Telikin Computer Home Screen Overview

Also, because it is locked down to these simple core features, seniors don’t have to worry about incessant anti-virus updates, Windows updates and other nagging software update notifications.

And from what I understand, you can use either the touchscreen or the mouse to operate the computer. Plus it comes with a large print keyboard which is always a benefit to seniors.

A few acceptable drawbacks

Of course, the Telikin does have a few drawbacks but I think they are acceptable given the target audience. The first is that the computer isn’t very portable. That’s where something like the iPad might have a slight advantage. In many ways, I think the iPad is like the Telikin. It’s easy to use, does what most people want it to do and is relatively foolproof. But the iPad has the additional benefit of being able to go with you everywhere you go (and a lot of seniors I know love to travel).

Another drawback is the flexibility. You can’t add your own software to the Telikin like you can with apps on an iPad. But again, think of the target audience. Most seniors don’t want to mess around with new software. They want to have something that does the basics and does them well.

So at the end of the day, I say go for it. If I’m a betting man, I say your mom will love it!

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