Make your clock do more with the Coolest Clock

Coolest Clock

I love it when someone takes a simple product that we have be using for years and makes it better. Usually, it’s a product that no one has ever thought to improve. Like the Coolest Clock, an improvement to the boring old clock and my latest tech fascination on Indiegogo.

The Coolest Clock doesn’t have a standard display. Instead, it projects its display on a wall. You can choose from different skins to match the theme of your room and you can display far more than just the current time. The Coolest Clock can display scheduled reminders, live weather, quotes and even breaking news.

Coolest Clock - a highly versatile projection clock

Coolest Clock display
It can also display Facebook updates and recent tweets from Twitter but honestly, this feature wouldn’t be my cup of tea. I’m not sure I’m ready to have my personal Facebook and Twitter information displayed on my wall for everyone in my house to see. I guess if you’re single and living alone, this could be a nice feature.

Coolest Clock - Facebook updates

I can’t gather from the video, but it seems to me you could pretty much put the Coolest Clock anywhere, whether it be your bedroom, the kitchen or in your living room. Remember, you can choose from different skins to change the look of the display to match the room you put it in.

My only concern would be where to plug the thing in, as it does appear to require an electrical outlet to run. This is a bit of an oversight in my book because who wants an ugly power cord running down the wall from the clock to an eletrical outlet? Of course, they seem to have left this part out of the video (or made the giant assumption that we all know how to bury electrical cords behind our walls).

Coolest Clock display

Coolest Clock in living room
Power cord issue aside, I still really like the Coolest Clock and I’m guessing from their Indiegogo fundraising I’m not alone. The makers of the Coolest Clock had a goal of raising $20,000 and as of today, they are well over $200,000, 10 times their goal.

To learn more about the Coolest Clock visit the Coolest Clock Indiegogo page or watch the video below.

If you can not see the embedded video above please use the following link: Coolest Clock.. ever.