A Simple Guide to Marketing Automation for Your Small Business

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Marketing automation for small business

Different factors contribute to the success of a business, including its ability to manage budget, time, and resources. The growth of any business also depends on its ability to align customer experience with buyers’ needs. These factors, among others, can either make or mar a business. Thankfully, innovations like marketing automation make it easier for businesses, especially startups, to optimize and automate customer outreach.

For example, if your target audience consists of people who buy Bitcoin, automation technology helps you understand your customers’ behaviors. More than that, it helps you grasp fully how consumer behavior can affect your marketing campaigns. Keep reading as we briefly describe how marketing automation can benefit your small business and the best tools.

SEE ALSO: 4 Common Mistakes People Make with Marketing Automation

What Major Ways Does Marketing Automation Help a Small Business?

If you run a small business administration, marketing automation is especially beneficial to you. Among other things, it complements the areas of sales and direct marketing. Below are some of the specific advantages of marketing automation for startups:

Tracking and Measuring Campaign Data

Marketing automation helps you deliver timely, relevant messages by ensuring your data is accurate and up to date. Furthermore, through its automatic collection and organization of information, it can eliminate the existence of human error.

Understand Your Clients Better

When you understand your consumers’ behavior, including their social media mentions and web visits, you can figure out their pain points. Marketing automation simplifies gathering sales information from customer interactions, thus saving time and providing better insight into your customers’ buying journey.

Retain More Customers

You can create detailed profiles and execute personalized campaigns through marketing automation, thus making each customer feel valued. In addition, marketing automation can update information in real-time, ensuring you reach your audience appropriately.

How Can Marketing Automation Be Incorporated in Your Business?

There are different ways you can use marketing automation software in your business. If you do it right, you can save your business time while serving your customers better. Below are different ways big businesses use marketing automation that you can use in yours.

Email Marketing

Businesses use automation technology in email marketing, which has been like that for a while now. For example, you can send an automated email whenever you have a major announcement to make about anything. Then, simply use any automation tool to draft the content and send it to your customers.


Another aspect where automation technology is beneficial is sales; sales automation tools ensure better service of sales teams. Research has shown that sales automation can improve a business’s sales productivity by 14.5%, which is significant for small businesses.


As you know, you need to constantly post content on your page to keep your audience engaged. You can do this automatically; content automation helps you automate the content marketing process.

Social Media

Social media marketing is vital to any business; they are incredible tools for small businesses to break through in their given industry. Social media automation helps you engage with your customers and their comments without having to stay up late into the night.

SEE ALSO: What Is Home Automation & How Does It Work?

Top Marketing Automation Tools Every Small Business Should Have

When it comes to small business marketing, the right automation tool can make all the difference. Below are some of the best automation tools to use for marketing in your small business:


A chatBot is a customer service automation system that lets you automatically interact and engage with anyone who visits your website. Its unique algorithm creates genuine, real-time conversations to keep users engaged until a real agent has to intervene, which rarely happens.


IFTTT means “if this, then that;” it is a platform that connects every platform you have. It has a seemingly complex concept, but it gets easier the more you use it. IFTTT goes beyond just marketing; it lets businesses capitalize on trends and the world around them.


This marketing automation tool is packed with features that are especially great for small businesses. These include the flow builder that lets you visualize a user’s journey and profiles to help you understand a lead.


Hootsuite is the most used social media marketing platform worldwide; it helps small businesses automate their social media campaigns. It can be used to track post engagements, schedule posts, and organize all your social media platforms under one account.

There are vast marketing automation tools that you can use to scale and improve your business. As technology advances and businesses evolve, these tools will grow more powerful. The right automation tool will make things so much easier for your business operations.