Old-fashioned long-form salesletters are dead [SMALL BIZ NOOBIES]

How many times have you been searching for something on the Internet and come across one of those long-form salesletters? You know the kind. Giant headlines, subheads, bulleted lists and gobs and gobs of testimonials.

I’m ashamed to admit it but I’ve used a few myself.

Well guess what? No one is reading these any more! In fact, I’m shocked if most people have made it this far into my blog post without deciding to “skim” the rest of the copy looking for something that catches their eye.

What are long-form salesletters being replaced with? Look around. Video.

Do you look good on camera?

Ryan Deiss Video Sales ProgramOne problem. Not everyone was made for video. Some people just don’t do the camera justice. They fumble their way around so badly you actually go out of your way to make sure you NEVER buy anything from them.

So what’s a small business owner to do when trying to create a catchy web page that will quickly grab your attention?

Ryan Deiss (ginormous Internet marketer) has the solution with his video sales page program. In this program, Ryan teaches small business owners, entrepreneurs and Internet marketers alike how to create attention-grabbing videos without (get ready)… a camera, editing software or any skills or experience.

Ugly is good

In fact, Ryan claims the UGLIER you make the video the better they convert.

The magic is revealed in this free video.

Click here to watch the video

P.S. I can personally attest to the quality of Ryan Deiss’ products. I own nearly every one of Ryan’s products, including Dirt Cheap Traffic, Facebook Ad Power, Fusion Marketing, Undercover List Building, Offers that Crush, Whale Method, Psychic Sales Design, Automated Selling Machine and Triple X Method (not to be confused with XXX web sites).

This blog post contains affiliate links that may put cash in Noobie’s pocket. But they won’t cost you anything extra and you’re not missing out on any discounts by using the links. But clicking the links will help pay the bills and allow Noobie to continue finding and sharing products and services like the ones mentioned in this blog post with you.