How to Become a Popular Gamer?

Popular gamer

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Video games have evolved from being a hobby of the basement-dwelling nerds into one of the most popular activities on the web. Hard to believe that what was once one of the most estranged, if not geek-exclusive past times has evolved into a multi-million dollar industry.

A chunk of that industry undeniably belongs to popular gamers. In this day and age, everyone wants to become a popular gamer or streamer. Video game streaming has become somewhat of a spectacle across the globe and turned regular players into showman millionaires.

So one of the big or perhaps million-dollar questions spiraling in the minds of gamers is “how to become a popular gamer?” A simple question yet one of the most difficult to answer as we today dwell in a world where a massive hit on TikTok, YouTube, Twitch, or any social media platform will put you directly on the pedestal.

Do You Have What it Takes?

So perhaps the question we should be asking is how to maintain your popularity as a gamer or do you have what it takes to cope up with the pressure of becoming a popular gamer.

With that said, becoming a popular gamer requires a lot of patience, creativity, and sometimes salt or controversy. For the most part, today’s gaming industry gets already saturated with hundreds of gamers or streamers across the globe.

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One thing that you can do to fast-track your popularity is to win tournaments. Yup, that’s right! To become a famous gamer, you need to show off your skills to the gaming community. It’s not as easy as organizing a PC gamer’s collection of games, for example.

Choosing a Game

Choosing a game to specialize in and winning some official tournaments will get you the audience you deserve. Even then, you will need to have a solid viewpoint, principle, and valid values to keep your audience. Besides, you still need to maintain a humble stand on issues, not to mention that SJWs are always on a prowl for victims to devour.

But that’s not the end of it. You see, becoming a popular gamer is not like becoming a famous movie star or celebrity. This matter is because you have to cater to some of the most challenging audiences. And that’s all to please in the entertainment industry. Entertaining gamers are not like entertaining moviegoers who are awed by the magic of special effects. In gaming, using special effects or tricks to show off your skills will end your career in a day.

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Hard Work and Skill-Building

If you think popular gamers like PewDiePie had it easy, then you have it all wrong. Becoming a popular gamer these days requires hard work and skill-building. In today’s standards, you need to have the personality, charisma, and most importantly, the skills to become one of the stars of the gaming world.

In a nutshell, if you want to become a famous gamer, start by showing love and gaining respect from the community that you belong to. Win tournaments, mentor other players, promote your values and don’t be a jerk. In other words, be humble and trust your skills. Your goal should be to become a respectable, honest, and the best player in your community. Once you get that figured out, fame will eventually follow.