Simple LinkedIn Guide

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Are you new to LinkedIn? Want to know how to improve your account to attract potential employers? Look no further because we’ve prepared a guide on how you can to make the most out of this social media platform to advance your career!

How to Use LinkedIn to Climb the Corporate Ladder

 1. What Is LinkedIn? How To Use This Powerful Social Tool

Man using laptop | What Is LinkedIn? How To Use This Powerful Social Tool | Simple LinkedIn Guide

What is LinkedIn? Would you believe there is a social platform where you can show off your career history and experience rather than your travel pictures and Outfit of the Day (OOTD)? It is a platform that helps users build your professional network rather than their social circle. Read this article as we explain more about this site and give you tips on how to maximize it!

2. How To Use LinkedIn for First Time Users

Linkedin | How To Use LinkedIn for First Time Users | Simple LinkedIn Guide

Learning how to use this site may offer many benefits to your career. The social media platform for professionals boosts visibility to recruiters, keeps you abreast of news in your industry, and updates you on job openings. Here’s Noobie’s guide for beginners.

3. How To Add A LinkedIn Background Photo

Man wearing coat | How To Add A LinkedIn Background Photo | Simple LinkedIn Guide

It’s important to make a lasting and positive first impression on people who visit your page. Besides your profile photo, the background photo is one of the first things a visitor will see. We’ll show you the step-by-step on how to choose the right background photo and update it up on your profile, so you can make a great first impression.

4. LinkedIn Sign In | Quick Tips To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Interview meeting | LinkedIn Sign In | Quick Tips To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile | Simple LinkedIn Guide

Did you know that your LinkedIn sign-in can open doors in your employment search? Looking for the right job becomes easier when you are linked to the right employer through your profile. How do you ensure that your log-in won’t be a wasted effort? By making your profile attractive to your future boss, of course. Check out these tips to make your profile stand out!

5. How To Delete LinkedIn Account In Just A Few Easy Steps

Holding mobile phone | How To Delete LinkedIn Account In Just A Few Easy Steps | Simple LinkedIn Guide

It’s easier to learn how to delete a LinkedIn account with the help of these easy step-by-step guide we’ll share with you today. It’ll only take a few seconds. Why would you want to delete it? Also, what will happen if you delete it? Today, we’ll be answering all these questions, as well as give you thorough instructions on how to delete your account.


Building an impressive account can help you show off your career experience and job history. It will help you build a professional network that can potentially help your career in the long run! We hope this guide has helped you learn about the essential tips and tricks you should know to make the most of your account.

What other LinkedIn tips can you share? Leave them in the comments section below! 

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