Take a picture, it will last longer

I love to use technology in creative ways. Take for instance earlier today when I was helping my aunt set up her new computer. We were on the phone and she was asking me which port she needed to plug the monitor cable into.

After a few seconds of trying to unsuccessfully describe the port, an idea hit me. So I asked, “Can you take a picture of the back of your computer and send it to me?”

I knew this would be easy because I had just recently helped my aunt upgrade her iPad 2 to iOS 5 which gave her the new iMessage app. If you’ve never heard of iMessage, it allows any iPod, iPhone or iPad user to send a message or picture directly to any other iPod, iPhone or iPad user. Kind of like texting without needing a cellular carrier.

And just like that, I had the picture I wanted.

iMessage picture of back of computer

I immediately recognized the HDMI and DVI video ports in the picture and proceeded to walk my aunt through switching her monitor cable to a digital cable from the existing analog one and connecting it to her computer. For those of you techies who are wondering, her monitor did not support HDMI.

And just like that, my aunt was in business.

Have you used technology in any creative ways? Drop a comment below and tell me about it.