The consequences of downloading illegal music and movies from the Internet [TECH TALK]

Tech TalkIt’s simple to do and many kids do it without even thinking about it. A quick Google search will reveal dozens of locations to download the same music and movies you have to pay for at the store. But what are the risks of doing this? Listen as Mr. Noobie®, owner of and David Novak, Patent Attorney at Brannon Robinson, P.C., run through several scenarios to examine the risk as well as discuss the consequences you (or your kids) may face if caught.

Be sure not to miss the weekly roundup of interesting and fun technology news as well as Mr. Noobie’s® app of the week. This week Mr. Noobie® tells you how you can check out books from your local library without ever leaving your home.

In our featured product segment, Mr. Noobie® talks about using your mobile device to train for a 5K, half-marathon or even a full marathon.

If you can not see the embedded audio above please use the following link: The consequences of downloading illegal music and movies from the Internet

Links mentioned in this week’s show