There’s more than one kind of noobie

I’ve discovered a lot about noobies over the past 4 years. Namely, that there’s more than one kind of noobie.

Some noobies have never touched a computer or digital camera.

Some noobies think they are techies but they aren’t.

And some noobies are fairly technical but just need a nudge in the right direction.

When I started Noobie, I had all of these people in mind.

Noo noobies

But in the past year, an entirely new group of noobies has emerged. I call them the small business noobies.

These are the entreperneurs and small business owners of the world who are savvy enough to start and run their own business but not necessarily savvy enough to handle the technical aspects of it.

I’m referring to the noobies who need help with building capture pages, maintaining email mailing lists, adding video to their web sites and, in general, leveraging the Internet to grow their business.

Which is why I have decided to start writing periodic blog posts targeted specifically at the small business noobie.

I hope those of you who aren’t small business noobies won’t mind. Besides, every noobie deserves a fair chance, right?