What’s an encyclopedia? [VIDEO]

In this week’s edition of the Weekly Wrap-up with Mr. Noobie®, Patric talks about what women really want based on social media postings, Facebook’s minimum age requirement, printed encyclopedias, Apple’s stock price and the NCAA basketball tournament.

If you can not see the embedded video above please use the following link: What’s an encyclopedia?


Hello, this is Patric Welch, otherwise known as Mr. Noobie®, and this is the Weekly Wrap-up with Mr. Noobie for Friday, March 16, 2012.

NetBase, a social media monitoring company, has finally discovered what women really want based on 27 billion conversations over the past year. The top three? Ice cream, a car and pizza. Hey guys, I don’t know about you, but if you’re trying to impress a girl on Facebook, I’d invite her out for ice cream and pizza in your new car.

In a recent poll conducted on SodaHead.com, nearly half of the respondents indicated the minimum age requirement for Facebook should be higher than the current requirement of 13 years old. In related news, 22 million more kids just learned how to lie about their age on Facebook.

Encyclopedia Britannica announced it will stop selling print editions of its encyclopedias but will continue publishing digital editions. When 3rd and 4th graders across the country were polled to see what they thought of this decision, their unanimous reaction was, “What’s an encyclopedia?”

Apple’s stock briefly hit a new high of $600 earlier this week. So if you are watching this video on your iPad from the beaches of Costa Rica, congratulations on your decision to purchase a truckload of Apple stock 5 years ago.

And finally, March Madness is here and this year you’ll be able to stream all 67 tournament games online for one low price of $3.99. So employers don’t get too excited when you see your employees scheduling those all afternoon “meetings” this week. Yeah, those cheers from the conference room aren’t because they are so excited to be working on their project.

That’s it for this week’s edition of the weekly wrap-up with Mr. Noobie. I’m Mr. Noobie®, otherwise known as Patric Welch and I’ll see you next week.