Why Business Owners Need to Treat Themselves

Why Business Owners Need To Treat Themselves

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Running a business is hard work and it’s not just physically tiring, it can be mentally draining as well. You’ll work long hours and have to deal with all kinds of problems and challenges, often by yourself. As time goes on and you hire staff or build a better system, you’ll have a better work-life balance and you’ll have people you can reach out to for assistance, but at the start, it’s all you, and that’s a lot to handle. 

The good news is that you can do something to make things easier that will also make you happy. Although it might feel as though it’s a little selfish to treat yourself when there are so many other things that need dealing with, the fact is that a little treat once in a while can make all the difference. Read on to find out more. 

Better Mental And Physical Health

As we mentioned above, running a business is bound to take a toll on your mental and physical health, and although you might think it’s just something that comes with the territory and that you can power through – or even that you should power through – the truth is that trying to keep going when you’re exhausted isn’t a good idea. That’s something that can lead to burnout, and when you’re burnt out, you can’t run a business in the way it’s meant to be run. 

By taking a step back and allowing yourself to enjoy a little treat, whether it’s a day off to do nothing at all, a cake with your lunch, or a weekend away (it’s your treat, and you’ll know what your budget and time frame can accommodate), you can re-set yourself and go back to work feeling recharged and ready to move forward. 

Boost Productivity

When you’re feeling tired and you’ve got a lot to think about, what happens to your productivity? Is it going to be better? Will you get a load of things done and complete your to-do list early? No. What will happen is that you’ll get slower and slower, and the things you want to get done will take longer than you expected. If you do complete your tasks, you’ll often find that they’re not up to the best standards – they’re not as good as you’d be able to do if you were fighting fit and wide awake. 

So take a break and treat yourself, and you’ll find that your productivity increases as a result. A lot of the time, it’s about what you do to treat yourself if you want to boost your productivity. You’ll need to find activities that stop you from thinking about work or the problem that’s causing you an issue altogether, and by the time you finish your treat, your mind will be ready to tackle things again. It’s amazing how often it works out how to overcome obstacles after a treat, like going for a long walk, heading to the marina to spend some time on your boat, going to the cinema, or even taking a nap (which can certainly be a treat!)!