Yes, It’s Possible to Recover Those Deleted or Lost Digital Photos

Imagine you just got back from the vacation of a lifetime. A vacation preserved forever by the hundreds of digital pictures you took on the trip.

Now imagine getting punched in the gut. I mean that’s the feeling you’d have if for some reason you lost all of those pictures, right?

This happens more often than you think (the losing the pictures not the punching in the gut). Sometimes the memory card goes bad. Sometimes you accidentally select the Delete All option on your digital camera by mistake. Sometimes there is no explanation.

Luckily, when it does happen there is still hope. Some free software programs like Zero Assumption Recovery (ZAR) are quite successful at recovering photos from seemingly corrupt or empty memory cards. And even if it doesn’t work, what have you got to lose by trying?

Zero Assumption Recovery (ZAR) Step 1

The instructions on the ZAR digital image recovery page are excellent and include step-by-step instructions with screen shots.

So before you toss that memory card (and your digital memories) in the garbage, you might want to give ZAR a try. It could be the difference between a punch in the gut and popping a bottle of champagne.