Finally, a different way to view a fireworks show

GoPro fireworks drone

Five years ago I pleaded for someone to create the next generation of fireworks. I still haven’t been granted my wish but in the meantime, someone did do something at a fireworks show this year that I haven’t seen before.

SEE ALSO: TILTS: Next generation fireworks

SEE ALSO: GoPro HERO3+ Silver Edition: Custom made for the outdoor enthusiast [REVIEW]

Ironically, the fireworks show itself didn’t change. But the view did. Someone strapped a GoPro camera to a drone and flew it right into the middle of the fireworks show. Don’t ask me if he was allowed to do this or how he prevented a firework from hitting his drone but the resulting footage is pretty cool. I just wish is was longer.

If you can not see the embedded video above please use the following link: GoPro: Fireworks From A Drone