My first Google Hangout!

Ever since Google released their Hangouts feature I have wanted to try one. I keep thinking of a lot of creative ways I could use them for Noobie but I’ve just never sat down to get one going.

If you’re not familiar with Google Hangouts, they are basically live video conversations that one, two or even hundreds (not sure there is a hard limit) of people can participate in. You can set up private Hangouts with just a few of your friends or you can go “On Air” and conduct your own video broadcast. Think of a Hangout as a live YouTube video.

Thanks to Deb Lee from (an awesome woman by the way), I was able to participate in the latter, the “On Air” Hangout. Deb invited me to participate shortly after I had her on my Tech Talk radio show discussing tech tools to help make you more productive.

SEE ALSO: Tech tools to help make you more productive [TECH TALK]

One of the cool things about Google Hangouts is that you can publish the video to your YouTube channel when you are done. That’s what Deb did and I’m glad she did because now I get to share my first Hangout with you.

If you can not see the embedded video above please use the following link: Small Business Tech Chat With Patric Welch

What I learned from my first Hangout

Being that this was my first Hangout, I learned a few things along the way. For starters, I wouldn’t sit so close to my laptop next time. Besides being far better looking than me (understatement of the year), Deb looks more natural being set back a bit from the camera with her natural office decor in the background. I, on the other hand, look like a giant against a blah background.

Deb also doesn’t use a headset. I’d like to go headset-free too but when I tried shortly before we went live, there was too much feedback. A little more preparing on my part next time and I think I’ll be able to lose the headset.

Oh and one more thing. Next time I’ll find a location where the sun doesn’t come screaming through my window right in the middle of me talking. I felt like I was getting blinded and it showed on the video.

What do you think?

Despite some of my own noobie mistakes, I really enjoyed hanging out (yes, pun intended) with Deb Lee and we both hope to do another Hangout like this in the future.

I’d love to know what you thought of the Hangout. Or if you’ve either done your own Hangout or participated in one. Leave a comment below and tell me about your Google Hangout experience.