How to recover missing pictures and videos on the HTC Thunderbolt

I shouldn’t have had to figure out this workaround but I did. It has to do with a glaring flaw on my HTC Thunderbolt smart phone. When you go to the picture gallery, certain pictures and videos seemingly disappear.

At first I thought it was my fault. I thought I had forgotten to press some kind of save button to save the pictures and the videos to the gallery. But then I did some investigating on the Internet and found I wasn’t the only one experiencing the problem.

That’s when I discovered an app called SDrescan. This app has only one function. It re-scans your SD card and relocates missing pictures and videos.

SDrescan Android App

The SDrescan app works like a charm every time. Whenever I am missing pictures or videos I just run the app and within a few seconds, all is well again.

I just wish I didn’t have to run this app in the first place.