Take control of your finances before they take control of you [TECH TALK]

With today’s online financial services there’s no excuse for not knowing how and where your money is spent and for not having a good budget. Listen as Mr. Noobie®, owner of noobie.com, and Steven Smith, CEO of Mvelopes, discuss what online financial services are available and how they can quickly and easily put you back on your feet financially.

Be sure not to miss our weekly roundup of the latest technology news as well as Mr. Noobie’s® question and answer session. This week Mr. Noobie® breaks down the difference between two Netflix packages and answers whether or not no-contract phones are a good idea.

In our featured product segment, Mr. Noobie® explains what you can do with those boxes and boxes of old photos you have stored in your house.

Links mentioned in this week’s show