The one edition of Windows 8 Microsoft forgot [VIDEO]

In this week’s edition of the Weekly Wrap-up with Mr. Noobie®, Patric talks about a new home alarm system app, the increase in smart phone users, the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, the new highest security threat and ESPN on Facebook.

If you can not see the embedded video above please use the following link: The one edition of Windows 8 Microsoft forgot


Hello, this is Patric Welch, otherwise known as Mr. Noobie®, and this is the Weekly Wrap-up with Mr. Noobie for Friday, March 2, 2012.

A new app called Witness turns your Mac into a home alarm system for just $39. It works by using the webcam on your computer to alert you of any motion activation events in your home. I tested the app last week but didn’t get a chance to finish because a burgular broke into my house… and STOLE MY MAC!

(shakes head)… I betcha that was a cool video though…

A new study shows that smartphone users now outnumber basic mobile phone users. Nearly 46% of U.S. adults use smartphones while the number of basic phone users has fallen to 41%.


Microsoft launched a Windows 8 Consumer Preview earlier this week. The new version of Windows aims to simplify desktop computing even further by bridging the interface gap between desktop computers, laptops and tablets. The new Windows 8 is so simple the only thing you’ll need to worry about with your Windows-based device is whether to get the Enterprise Edition, Home Basic Edition, Home Premium edition, ARM edition, Professional edition, Professional Plus edition, Starter edition or Ultimate edition.

Hmmmm… I didn’t see the “stop making me unnecessarily spend more money to upgrade my version of Windows when I don’t want to edition”… I bet that one didn’t make the final cut.

FBI Director Robert Mueller has issued a warning that the most serious threat to our security in the coming months will not be terrorists but will instead be online attacks by hackers. So move over Jack Bauer, there’s a new counter-terrorism team in town!

And finally, ESPN will be streaming over 200 conference tournament college basketball games on Facebook next week. This is fantastic news for people who are trying to find more ways to spend time on Facebook.

What can I say? We love Facebook.

That’s it for this week’s edition of the weekly wrap-up with Mr. Noobie. I’m Mr. Noobie®, otherwise known as Patric Welch and I’ll see you next week.