My personal testimonial for Quizlet

Last week, I published an article on Quizlet, a website that has been a tremendous help to my family this year. Here’s why.

My oldest son started 4th grade this school year and was immediately thrown into new things like 3-page study guides and accompanying tests—the kind of tests where you can’t look up the answers in a book.

This was a big challenge during the first week of school because my son was not used to this and hadn’t really learned yet how to prepare for a test given a bunch of facts on sheets of paper. And when I asked him what format the test was going to be in, he said he didn’t know.

So I did my best to help him learn the facts and crossed my fingers he would do well on the test. He ended up doing alright but there was definitely room for improvement. Not to mention a strong need for a better way to study.

The turnaround

That’s when I found Quizlet. And using this fantastic tool I was able to input my son’s study guide information on the website. Once that was done, I could run through flash cards, create sample tests and even have my son play games, all designed to prepare my son for his upcoming tests.

The results were immediate. Not only has my son nearly aced every one of his tests ever since using Quizlet, but he also enjoys running through his study facts every night. And if you have a 4th grader of your own, you can probably relate to how hard it is to get some kids to actually enjoy their homework.

Quizlet gets my highest recommendation. If you have kids in school (at any grade level) who could use a little extra help with their studying, you owe it to yourself to check it out.