What happened when I upgraded to Windows 10 on my laptop

I’ve been waiting a few weeks now for my Windows 10 “upgrade is ready” notification and it finally arrived. To play it safe, I decided to upgrade only my laptop to Windows 10 (from Windows 8.1) since I don’t use my laptop nearly as often as I use my desktop computer.

With just a few clicks of the mouse on my laptop I was off and running.

Configuring update for Windows 10

Fast forward about one hour. That’s how long it took the upgrade to complete. Nothing unusual during the upgrade except for at the end when my laptop inexplicably starting speaking (and repeating) the words on the screen. Still no idea why that happened. It did eventually stop when the upgrade was complete and it never happened again.

Two programs stopped working

When my laptop did it’s eventual reboot into the new Windows 10, I received two pop-up error messages after logging in. Both said similar things—a DLL was missing so a program couldn’t load.

I recognized the programs as AVG, my anti-virus software and a program I can’t live without and iCloud, a program I don’t use but keep installed so I know how it works. Just for grins, I did my own manual restart to see if these error messages were a one-time thing. They were not.

I didn’t feel like messing around with anything too much so I just uninstalled both AVG and iCloud, re-downloaded the programs from the Internet and re-installed them. I guess that’s all it took since I haven’t received any similar error messages since.

I like what I see

Apart from having to reinstall those two software programs, I really like the new Windows 10. It feels like a souped-up Windows 7 to me. I have yet to try out all of the features though so I’ll leave that to a more in-depth review (or more likely video) in the near future.

Also, I’m pretty sure I’ll be upgrading my desktop over the weekend so I’ll let you know how that goes as well.

If you have any questions with your Windows 10 upgrade decision, please feel free to contact me.