How to Know Where to Spend Your Time and Energy When Choosing a Career

Choosing your career

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

So, you’re at that crossroads, trying to pick the right career? We know it’s like standing in front of a huge buffet spread and not knowing where to start. But don’t sweat it. Let’s break it down step-by-step, and before you know it, you’ll have a clear plate and an even clearer path!

1. Dive Deep Inside: What Makes You Tick?

What Do You Love Doing?

First things first. Remember those summer days when you’d get lost in a hobby and hours would fly by? That could be painting, dancing, coding, cooking, you name it! There’s a pretty good chance that what you love can be turned into a job. So, grab a notebook, and jot down all those activities. Those scribbles? They’re your passion compass.

Your Superpowers:

Now, it’s time for some real talk. Think about your secret (or not-so-secret) superpowers. Maybe you’re the go-to person for advice in your friend group, suggesting you might be fab in a helping profession. Or perhaps, you’re the tech guru always fixing everyone’s gadgets. That’s a sign right there! Make a list. It’s not bragging – it’s about knowing where you naturally rock!

2. Homework Time: A Little Peek Into The Future

Hot And Happening:

So you’ve got your passion compass and your superpower list. Time for some detective work! Whip out your magnifying glass and look into the industries or jobs making waves right now. Is green energy taking off? What about e-sports? And hey, didn’t you read somewhere about the demand for digital marketing pros? Gather the hot topics and see where they might intersect with your passions and powers.

What’s The Vibe Like?

Alrighty, detective mode is still on! You’ve spotlighted a few industries, but what’s the behind-the-scenes scoop? Every company has a vibe – some are super chill, think bean bags and coffee breaks, while others might be more suit-and-tie. Sneak a peek at company reviews, chat with people in the industry, or even attend a few webinars. You’re not just choosing a job, you’re picking a lifestyle too. Make sure it’s one you’d love to live!

SEE ALSO: The 3 Best Things to Study Online for a Career

3. Give It A Whirl: Dip Your Toes In

Internship Opportunities:

Ever tried on an outfit and thought it looked better on the hanger? Careers can be like that too. Internships are your fitting rooms. You get a feel of the real job, the actual day-to-day stuff. Plus, it’s a fab way to make some pals in the industry. Even if you end up thinking, “Hmm, not for me,” that’s cool! You’ve learned something valuable.

Maybe A Side Gig?:

If diving into an internship sounds like a deep-end plunge, there’s always the shallow pool of part-time gigs or freelancing. Think of it as career sampling. Maybe teach a workshop, write articles, or help out at events. Little steps like these can give you big insights into whether a full-time gig in that area would be your cup of tea (or coffee, or smoothie, or whatever you fancy!).

4. Phone A Friend: Or Better Yet, An Expert!

Got A Guru?:

Okay, imagine you’re on a road trip to Career Town. Who would you want in the passenger seat guiding you? Yep, a mentor! These are folks who’ve cruised these roads, know the best pit stops, and can help you dodge those pesky potholes. A mentor is like your career road trip buddy. They’ve seen the sights, they’ve made the mistakes, and they’re eager to share their playlist of experiences with you. So, reach out! Maybe there’s a professional you admire on LinkedIn, or perhaps there’s a local business leader you’d love to chat with. Shoot your shot, and ask them for some advice. Most folks love to help out the next generation.

Guidance Squad:

But hey, if the solo road trip is more your jam, there’s another route. Career counselors are like those fancy car GPS systems. They can plot the best course based on the current traffic, which in this case, is the job market. Ever heard of the strong interest inventory test? It’s like that quiz that tells you which movie character you’d be, but way more useful. It pairs your interests with potential careers. It’s kind of like magic but with science behind it!

5. Chill Time Matters Too: Work Isn’t Everything

Balance Is Boss:

You know those movies where the main character has this glam job but never has time for family, friends, or fun? Yeah, don’t be that character. As much as a fat paycheck or a fancy job title might be tempting, remember to weigh them against life outside the office. Do you want to travel? Spend time with family? Have random dance breaks in your living room? Make sure your job leaves room for that.

Look Beyond The Desk:

Also, think about the everyday stuff. How’s the commute? Can you work from home sometimes? Is there room to grow and learn? A job isn’t just about the tasks you do from 9 to 5. It’s about how it fits into the life you want from 5 to 9 as well!

SEE ALSO: The Things People Do for $5

6. Stay On Your Toes: The World’s Always Changing

Stay Curious:

Alright, fun fact time: Many of the jobs that exist today weren’t even around ten years ago. Think about it. Drone operators? Social media managers? Virtual reality developers? So, even if you’re set on a path now, always keep one ear to the ground. Stay curious about what’s new and upcoming.

Growth Game:

Your first job might not be your forever job, and that’s totally okay. It’s all about growth and discovery. Maybe in a couple of years, you’ll find a new passion or a different direction you want to head in. And that’s cool! Careers are journeys, not destinations.

And there you have it! A couple of things to think about to find where you should be directing all that awesome energy of yours. One last nugget of wisdom? Enjoy the journey. It’s packed with lessons, laughs, and a whole lot of learning.