A little reassurance goes a long way

Sometimes people just need a little reassurance. And that’s exactly what I got when I surveyed Noobie’s readers and asked them tell me if Noobie was sending too much (or too little) email.

Currently, Noobie broadcasts a weekly email every Tuesday morning with links to content added to the Noobie web site the previous week. 79% of you who responded indicated you prefer it to stay this way.

16% of you would rather only receive an email from Noobie every other week and only 5% want to receive email from Noobie on a monthly basis.

Noobie email survey results

As a reminder, I did not include a “never” category since every email sent out by Noobie includes a link at the bottom to unsubscribe to the email.

To those that responded with every other week or monthly, don’t lose hope. In the future, as Noobie grows, I may offer multiple subscriber options and truly let each subscriber determine the frequency of his or her email. But we’re not there yet.

On another note, Noobie is considering switching email service providers in the near future in hopes to provide better deliverability rates. Nothing will be required on your part if and when this happens but there may be a large group of you that suddenly start seeing Noobie’s email show up in your Inbox rather than your Spam folder.

And hopefully that will make 100% of you happier.