I didn’t want to discover any flaws with Redbox, but I did

RedboxRedbox sent me a survey this morning asking me to rate their service on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best. I gave them an 8 only because I’ve recently discovered a few flaws with the Redbox service. Not enough for me to stop using Redbox, but enough for me to not give them a 10.

Unfortunately, the Redbox survey never really gave me a chance to express my opinion to them. They did offer a follow up question asking me what one area I’d like them to improve upon. But I could only pick one and I could only pick from the choices they gave me. Had I been given the option to provide my own feedback this is what I would have said:

It stinks when you are all excited to get a movie only to find someone already using the kiosk. And 9 times out of 10 I get behind the person who has to read the full description of every movie available. I joked about this on Twitter a few weeks ago and one of my Twitter followers said I should have told the person in front of me that I worked for Redbox and needed to jump in to rent a movie to make sure the kiosk worked correctly as part of Redbox’s ongoing quality improvement.

You should be able to enter promo codes online at the Redbox web site. Every Monday and Wednesday I get a free movie rental promo code texted to my mobile phone. But it’s hit or miss if the kiosk I stop at has the movie I want. Seems silly that I can check inventory online of all kiosks within a 5 mile radius of my house and reserve a specific movie so it is waiting for me when I get to the kiosk but I can’t enter the free promo code online. Nor when I get to the kiosk to pick up the movie. Big flaw.

And lastly, one that it not so much a flaw but one that weighs on my mind. One of biggest selling points of Redbox to me is the price. $1 for 1 night and free on Mondays and Wednesdays. But my nearest Redbox is 5 miles away. Once gas and my time are factored in, Netflix suddenly starts looking a lot more attractive.

Feel free to add your own suggestions to the list by adding a comment below. You just never know when someone from Redbox may drop by to read it!