Overcoming Phone Anxiety – A Step-By-Step Guide to Boost Your Confidence

Phone anxiety

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Phone anxiety can lead to a fear of talking on the phone or even avoidance of calls. This can impact relationships and careers.

People with phone anxiety tend to prefer email, texting, or other virtual methods of communication. This can lead to missing out on opportunities at work and missing out on important relationships.

Take a Deep Breath

So how to get over phone anxiety? Deep breathing is one of the easiest exercises you can practice to calm anxiety symptoms. The key is to practice it regularly so you can do it automatically when an anxious situation arises.

To get started, find a comfortable position to sit or lie down and close your eyes. Breathe deeply from your abdomen, counting each breath to four as you inhale and exhale.

This breathing technique can also be done during the day when you are not stressed, so it becomes a regular part of your routine and is easier to access when you feel anxious. You can even use a breathing app to guide you through the process to make it more convenient.

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Those experiencing a more severe form of phone anxiety may find it hard to think of what to say, or they fear sounding immature or silly over the phone. These individuals may find it easier to stay in touch with loved ones via email or text instead of calling.

Smiling can help trick the brain into feeling excited rather than anxious, calming nerves and promoting relaxation. Also, smiling makes you sound more confident and reassures the other person they can trust you.

Ultimately, the best way to combat phone anxiety is to practice. Practicing with a friend or recording yourself can help you become more comfortable over the phone and improve your confidence. 


Rehearsing before a call is a great way to feel prepared. It also helps with those apprehensive moments when you aren’t sure what to say or are worried about saying the wrong thing.

In a world where we are used to being able to review our work before sending it off, phone conversations can feel impulsive and risky. Short pauses can be uncomfortable, too, as you don’t have the benefit of facial expressions.

While phone anxiety is irrational, it can be difficult to overcome on your own. A professional can help you identify what is causing your fear and teach you coping skills.

Start by tackling the easy calls first, like calling friends and family. Then, slowly level up to more daunting phone tasks. Keep practicing and celebrate your progress to stay motivated. Try creating a fear hierarchy to track your progress and see how your anxiety diminishes over time. Ultimately, the more you make phone calls, the less scary they will become.

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Reward Yourself

Phone anxiety often results from a fear of rejection or a lack of confidence in your communication skills. To overcome it, practice speaking on the phone more frequently, starting with low-stakes calls with trusted friends and moving up to more complex conversations as you gain confidence.

In addition, rewarding yourself for completing successful phone conversations can be helpful. This positive reinforcement can help you feel encouraged to continue practicing and build up your self-confidence.

Taking a deep breath and smiling can help ease your anxiety during a call. However, the key to overcoming your phone anxiety is exposure therapy, which involves gradually increasing your contact with more challenging situations over time. With a bit of time, effort, and dedication, you can conquer your phone anxiety.