Proof that Amazon’s pre-order price guarantee really works

Subscribers to Noobie’s What’s noo with Noobie? weekly email newsletter saw this tip of the day back in the beginning of April:

Tip of the Day: Amazon Pre-order Price Guarantees

Well, not only did I preach that tip of the day that week, I also took advantage of it. The movie referred to in the tip is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1. I pre-ordered it for $14.99 right around the same time the email newsletter hit everyone’s inbox.

Even though I was plenty happy to pay $14.99 for the DVD, I was even happier a few weeks later when I received this email:

Amazon pre-order price guarantee email

So if you’re wondering if Amazon really follows through on their pre-order price guarantee, wonder no more. I’ve got the extra dollar in my pocket to prove it.