The Best Way to Clean Your Touch Screen Device

Touch screen devices like the iPhone and the iPad are incredibly easy to use. Touch here, swipe there, pinch and spread to zoom in and out.

But all of this touching and swiping has one major downside—fingerprints!

It drives me crazy. Here I have this beautiful and elegant techno-wonder gadget in my hand and all I can see are the fingerprints on the screen. Oh sure, I’ve used an eyeglass cleaning cloth and even the shirt I’m wearing to try and remove the fingerprints but these never really seem to do the job.

But thanks to my friend, Damon King, I finally have the solution: Ultra Absorbent Microfiber Cleaning Cloths.

Cables Unlimited ACC-FIBER6 Ultra Absorbent Microfiber Cleaning Cloths (6 Pack)

I know you probably expected to see something a little fancier and more expensive (I bought mine on for a little more than $1 each) but I’m telling you, you won’t find a better way to clean your touch screen device than these microfiber cloths.

My first reaction when Damon let me use one of these was “whoa!” The next person I saw use one had the same reaction. Then I bought a 6-pack for myself. My wife was in the room when I opened them and I told her to clean her iPhone with one.

Her first reaction? “Whoa!”