Do us all a favor and get off your cell phone

Man In Trendy Outfit With Sunglasses Talking On Cell PhoneI don’t often air my pet peeves on my blog but I have to make an exception today. I was standing in line inside a Speedway gas station and the guy in front of me was talking on his cell phone. When it was finally his turn with the cashier, he kept on talking on his cell phone throughout the entire transaction. Never said a word to the cashier presumably because his phone call was a higher priority to him than his manners.

When I reached the cashier, I couldn’t resist so I asked her if people talking on their cell phone while she rung up their purchases bugged her. Not only did she say yes but she went on to explain that she often has to ask a question about someone’s purchase and because they are on the cell phone they only half hear (if that) what she says and end up just nodding their head in agreement. Then when the transaction is complete and it isn’t what they expected, they complain loudly that she screwed up.

To the guy in front of me at Speedway and every other rude person who talks on their cell phone when someone is ringing up your purchases at a store, I have this to say to you:


If I was the cashier at a store and someone approached my counter talking on their cell phone, I would kindly ask them to step aside to let the next person in line through and inform them that they are welcome back to the front of the line when they finish their call.

In this day and age, I would probably be fired for doing this. But it would be worth it.