Would You Dump Your Cable Package in Favor of A la Carte Channels

A la carte channels

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Sometime when you’re bored, try this exercise. Count the number of cable channels you receive as part of your cable package. Then count the number of those channels you actually watch on a regular basis. I bet there is a huge difference between the two numbers.

That’s because the cable companies and the lesser-known cable channel broadcasters are in cahoots with one another forcing you to receive channels you don’t really want. And there’s not a whole lot you can do about it.

A la Carte Channels?

Unless Senator John McCain gets his way. Sen. McCain is pushing for legislation to force cable companies to offer a la carte channels. Only want ESPN and TBS? Fine, just pay for those two channels. Want just your local channels? Done.

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When I first read about this legislation, I was beaming with excitement. No more $40, $70 or $90 cable packages. Instead, just the channels I want (and there is only a handful, trust me).

Cable Companies Still Get Their Way?

But then I started to think about how the cable companies would retaliate if this legislation passed. I can just see it now. ESPN: Now available a la carte for $19/month. Or upgrade to our 30-channel package for just only $24.

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You see, as far as I can tell, the legislation doesn’t have anything in it about how much the cable companies can or can’t charge for a la carte channels. That wouldn’t really be fair anyway. Although I’m not sure the legislation as a whole is fair, to begin with.

What do you think? Are a la carte channels a good idea? Do you think the legislation is fair? Will the cable companies play nice? Who wins and who loses? Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts.