Are you absolutely sure you’re getting the lowest fare?

Quick, what’s the name of the most popular travel-booking site on the Internet? Most of you probably answered Expedia or Travelocity. A few of you might have said Orbitz, Priceline or Cheap Tickets.

But how many of you said Rovia? I’m guessing very few, if any, of you did.

That’s because Rovia is still flying under the radar when it comes to popularity contests. But just because it’s not the most popular doesn’t mean it’s not the best.

In fact, a recent survey comparing Rovia, Expedia and Travelocity found that Rovia had the lowest fares a whopping 68% of the time!

Rovia vs Expedia vs Travelocity

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I am an affiliate for Rovia. This means I have my own personally branded version of their web site and whenever someone books travel on my branded web site, I earn a commission.

If my disclosure bothers you, don’t let it. If you are saving money 68% of the time, does it really matter that someone is getting a commission on your purchase as long as you are getting the absolute lowest price possible?

Surprise, surprise. Some of you will answer yes to that last question.

Have your cake and eat it too

And here’s my response. Why not have your cake and eat it too? There’s nothing stopping you from having your own branded version of the Rovia web site. And when you do, not only will you save money 68% of the time, you will earn commissions on your own travel plus the travel booked by anyone you refer to your site.

Whether you know it or not, this is how commerce works on the Internet. When something is sold, someone is almost always getting a commission on that sale. Why shouldn’t that person be you?

To find out how you can get your own branded Rovia web site, contact me via email at [email protected] or call 317-865-2100.

Meanwhile, the next time you make your travel arrangements, why not give my Rovia site a try?