The easiest way to save 10% at Best Buy

I was standing in line at the post office the other day when I glanced over at all of the postal forms on the table next to me. For whatever reason the Mover’s Guide Official Change of Address Kit caught my eye. I’m not planning on moving anytime soon but the writing on the kit that said “Look inside for savings from…” along with a list of well-known companies such as Lowe’s and Best Buy definitely peaked my curiosity.

I grabbed one of the kits and tore it open. True to their promise there were all kinds of savings coupons inside. Like 10% off any single item at Best Buy. The discount is limited to certain categories of products but almost anything I would want at Best Buy was on the list.

Like TVs $399 & up. This actually made me chuckle for a minute. I wonder how many people are buying brand new LCD, DLP or plasma televisions at Best Buy for $1,500 to $2,000 without the slightest idea that they could save $150 – $200 just by swinging by their local post office on the way to Best Buy.

Oh, and for those that are wondering. The packet (which may be localized to my area) also contains special offers from DIRECTV, Comcast, Budget Truck Rental, Lowe’s, Ice Mountain Home Delivery, Geico, ADT, T-Mobile, JCPenney and Chase.

If I read a press release from the post office mentioning the sudden increase in the number of people moving, I’ll know you read my blog.