Today I became a Groupon snob

Ritter's Frozen Custard Peanut Butter MountainSomething interesting happened this morning. My Groupon email arrived with an offer for a business that I absolutely love. The offer was $3 for $6 of frozen treats from Ritter’s Frozen Custard.

And I love Ritter’s Frozen Custard, especially one of their specialities called the Peanut Butter Mountain.

I didn’t bite

But I didn’t bite on the offer. I just let it go. Let it expire.

Why? Because I was having one of those crazy out-of-control days and the thought of having to take 5 minutes out of my day to log in to the Groupon site, buy the offer, share the offer on Facebook (I always do) and then print the coupon just seemed like too much work to save $3 on some frozen custard.

Oddly enough, last time I checked, over 4,000 people had already taken the offer.

So there you have it. I’m a snob because a $3 coupon wasn’t worth the hassle to me.

Are you with me or against me on this? Let me know below in the comments.

P.S. If you are reading this on the day I posted it and you don’t share my opinion, there’s still time left to get the deal!